Korean Conversation Course

Billy Go’s Korean Conversation Course | #19: Hello – 안녕하세요

There’s only one more episode left in this course! This conversation is about two people who agree to speak casually (반말), and how that happens naturally.

This is my free (yes, really) video course which covers natural conversations with full explanations for everything, including vocabulary, grammar, and expressions. There are twenty episodes in this free course, and there’s also a (paid) book version available for those who want to support my channel. The book also comes with an extra five conversations (audio files included), but the contents of the first twenty conversations are exactly the same as this free course.

What free video course should I make next? Let me know in the comments here or on my YouTube channel.

2 thoughts on “Billy Go’s Korean Conversation Course | #19: Hello – 안녕하세요

  • Luis Henrique

    안녕하세요, 선생님! I’d like to ask you a question about pronunciation rule: does the batchim ㄹ strengthen the ㄱ of the next syllable? For example: once I heard the word 나갈게요 pronounced as [나갈께요].

    Best regards,

    Luis Henrique.

    • Yes, this is a sound change rule that’s taught in this course, although the answer to your question is “yes, but sometimes.” There’s a previous lesson which talks about how this sound change rule works 🙂


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