Korean Culture and Language - Q&A

Why Korean Machine Translation is TERRIBLE | Google vs. Bing vs. Naver

There are several web sites that you can use for free to instantly translate to and from Korean. The top 3 are currently Google Translate, Bing Translate, and Naver Translate (also known as Papago Translate).

I’ve had a lot of people ask me which is the best to use, and I’ve always responded with “none of them.” But if I’m going to give a proper reason, I figured I should make a video to explain why.

If you need to translate something that’s important, avoid machine translation wherever possible. Find out in this video why it might be a bad idea to use any of them, and learn about the problems with current machine translation.

2 thoughts on “Why Korean Machine Translation is TERRIBLE | Google vs. Bing vs. Naver

  • Steven Bammel

    I’ve compared Google Translate, Bing Translator and Naver Papago for translation between English and Korean. I find that Naver Papago is far superior to Google and Bing. However, I’ve also compared it against “kakao i translate” (https://translate.kakao.com/) and though it says it is still in beta version, it seems to be just as good as Naver…. Just my two cents – Steven (stevenbammel.com)

    • I agree. Naver Papago is definitely the best of those options. I hope in another 10 years though we can still get something much better.


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