Korean Phrases and Idioms

Korean Phrases Ep. 42: 역지사지

This week we have a new “Korean Phrases” video, and we’re going to be learning another useful idiom from 한자 (Chinese characters used in Korean).

We’ll be learning about the idiom 역지사지.

Check out the video below!

4 thoughts on “Korean Phrases Ep. 42: 역지사지

  • Hello Billy,

    No, an interview like you did with Claire, or in Seoul asking Koreans about things to do in Korea, etc. I think you did maybe 5 or 6 interviews so far. I thought they were great for improving listening skills and fun to watch (I didn’t know about horse sushi). I periodically go back and watch these videos again and each time I understand a little bit more. Maybe the next time you’re in Busan, you could do some similar interviews down at ol’ Haeundae Beach! (but will people understand that thick Busan saturi?)


    • I’d like to do more the next time I go to Korea if possible. Busan would be fun to visit again 🙂

  • Hey Billy- It’s about time for a new interview. I think the last time you did one Nixon was in office. I find those very helpful and fun to watch. c’mon man, stop slacking! Also, why don’t you ever let Keycat talk sometime?

    • Do you mean a new interview video where I talk about the YouTube channel?


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