Korean Phrases and Idioms

Korean Phrases Ep. 60: 낫 놓고 기역자도 모른다

This is a semi-humorous Korean idiom that I remember learning before I could actually hold a full conversation. When the Korean who taught it to me explained it, I still didn’t really know what it meant. This is because I didn’t know the word 기역 yet – the word for the Korean letter “ㄱ.” I hope that after explaining it to me, the Korean wasn’t thinking I was someone who it should be used to… but who knows.

I know 2 weeks ago we also had a new Korean Phrases episode, but this will be the last one for awhile. Starting next week, I’ll be uploading some new videos I filmed in Korea that I’m excited to share with you. In the meantime, here’s another useful idiom. Check out the video here~!

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