Korean Test Preparation

Korean Test Practice with Billy [Ep. 21] – Intermediate Korean (Listening Practice)

Care to give an intermediate level test question a try? I have a few more of these “Korean Test Practice” episodes coming down the pipeline, and here’s the first of them.

Did you get it right? What did you miss, or what did you do to get the correct answer? Let me know in the comments!

Below is the listening example with its translation. I recommend only looking at this after you’ve first tried it on your own once.

Here is the listening example:

네, 무엇을 도와드릴까요? 빌빌리리 피자집이요? 지금 계신 곳이 어디세요? 고빌리동 크다 마트 앞이시라고요? 그러시면 마트에서 큰길 쪽으로 나오셔서 오른쪽을 보시면 버스정거장이 한 개 있어요. 거기에서 대학교 방향 3번 버스를 타시고 다섯 정거장을 더 가시면 돼요. 내리실 정거장은 작다 마트 앞입니다. 내리셔서 길을 건너시면 바로 앞에 빌빌리리 피자집이 있을 거예요. 네, 좋은 하루 되세요.’

Here’s the translation in English:

Yes, what can I help you with? Bilbil-leelee Pizza Parlor? Where are you now? You say it’s in front of “Gobilly-neighborhood Big Mart?” If you keep going from the mart and come out onto the main street, then look to the right there’s a bus stop. From there take bus #3 toward the university and stay on for for five stops. The stop you get off at will be in front of “Small Mart.” If you get off and cross the street, right in front of you will be Bibil-lee-lee Pizza Parlor. Yes, have a nice day.

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