Korean Test Preparation

Korean Test Practice with Billy [Ep. 29] – Intermediate Korean (Listening Practice)

If you're preparing for a test, you need as much practice as you can get. But even if you're not preparing for a test, being able to analyze Korean and solve problems is an important skill to have - even for daily conversations with friends.

So I've put together this series for you to practice of various difficulty levels from Beginner to Advanced. Try to solve the ones that match your current level.

Here is the listening example:

오늘도 저희 지하철을 이용해 주시는 고객 여러분들께 감사 인사를 드립니다. 현재 이용하고 계시는 지하철 노선은 일부 지하철역의 보수 공사 문제로 인해 이번 달까지만 정상 운영이 될 예정입니다. 다음 달 1일부터는 노선이 변경되어 일부 역에 정차하지 않을 예정입니다. 보수 공사를 진행하는 역은 빌리역, 키캣역, 고고역이며, 3달간 공사가 진행될 예정입니다. 해당 역을 이용하시는 고객 여러분들께서는 다른 교통 편을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다. 다시 한번 안내 말씀드립니다. 본 지하철 노선은 다음 달 1일부터 당분간 일부 역에 정차하지 않을 예정이오니 이 점 참고하시어 이용에 불편함이 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

We would like to say thanks to you, our customer, again today for using our subway. The subway line you are currently will continue normal operation only for this month, due to repair work on some sections of the subway station. From the 1st of next month, the line will change, and will not stop at these stations. The stations proceeding with repair work are Billy Station, Keykat Station, and GoGo Station, and the construction is expected to last for a period of three months. We hope that customers who use these stations will use different transportation ways. Once more. This subway line will not stop at a few stations for a short while, starting from the 1st of next month, so we hope you will please note this to not have any inconvenience to your usage (of the subway). Thank you.

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