Live Korean Classes

Korean Verb Endings (~네요, ~지/죠, ~나요, ~군요, ~거든요, ~잖아요, ~고요) | Live Class Abridged

A few months ago when I started live streaming Korean classes, I knew that not everyone would be able to watch them. It completely depended on whether a person had the time and ability to arrive for the classes. Although the live streams are all available on my YouTube page and can be watched at any time, not everyone has 2+ hours to review videos at once. And I was uploading a new live stream every single week, so it would be impossible to catch up if you missed a week or two.

To combat that, I decided to upload abridged, edited versions of each live Korean class to YouTube. These include all of the lesson contents from each live stream, minus all audience interaction and chatting. You can re-watch these abridged versions for a quick review, anytime, and in less than 20 minutes. Each week or two I’ll be uploading another abridged video from a previous live stream.

2 thoughts on “Korean Verb Endings (~네요, ~지/죠, ~나요, ~군요, ~거든요, ~잖아요, ~고요) | Live Class Abridged

  • Thanks for your comment! I’ve done now 158 lessons (as of this Sunday) and I hope they can continue to be useful 😀 I have many more ideas for future lessons that I’ll be doing over the coming months/years.

  • Marie Neer

    I’ve been downloading your PDFs faithfully, but my numbers did not match up with “157” episodes, so I’ve scrolled backward from now to the beginning and made a list. I had a big hole between January and October of this year (computer crash) because I hadn’t backed up for a while.
    Two things: I think I now have all; I will check tomorrow, since it’s getting late here; and What a wonderful review this has been of your course content. Between these pdfs and the notes I have made when watching, I have a wonderful review. I see I have forgotten several grammar points, so those are starred for me to review right away. Thank you for this website, for all your YouTube instruction and for your excellent content!


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