Learn Korean - Full Lessons with PDFs

Learn Korean Ep. 89: 주세요

Drawing is pretty difficult. I’m no artist, but I’m not… that bad. Keykat thinks she can do a better job than me. Let’s see if she’s lying. After all, are there any famous bear artists? I don’t think so.

Remember that there are free extended PDFs available for every “Learn Korean” episode, and each contains additional information or examples not covered in the video.

Check out the episode here!

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2 thoughts on “Learn Korean Ep. 89: 주세요

  • Likando

    How long did it take you to learn and speak Korean? You’re very fluent and its inspiring. I’m a Zambian with hopes of one day living in Korea.

  • I like the way that you been speaking Korean many times which means you are so educated about Korean language. But for me is very bad I hava been trying many times but it difficult the way to learnt it. It has been long progressive to understand it cause I’m not really understand it. Most of the times I learned by just watching and making some of Korean sentences I couldn’t be able to do it. I became more frustrating cause I’m wasting my times too much to learnt of it. In order that I feel confusing on how to get Korean grammar by just practicing all days that wasn’t really helped me to improve Korean grammar. I don’t even knew it such I have to use such good thing or maybe have some good advice on how to learnt it rapidly. I hope you can understand me I don’t even get a better idea and I can’t do properly. Finally, hope you help me to get Korean fluently that i can speaking Korean much better and easily to understand it to conjugated some Korean expression and grammatical point.


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