A Glass with Billy

The most confusing thing when learning Korean (feat. 허쌤)

Why is learning Korean so difficult sometimes?

Some aspects of Korean can take lots of time to master, leading many people to consider those concepts "difficult." In reality, there's nothing difficult about the language itself (if there were, I certainly wouldn't have learned it as well as I have), but it can be difficult to spend enough time to learn some of the concepts you'll need to have fluent conversations.

So I met with 허쌤 from "Learn Real Korean" on YouTube and we talked about what some of those difficult concepts are, as well as how I was able to get past them and learn them. Spoiler alert: most of them I learned simply through time and practice. But the good news is because I did it, so can you!

Check out 허쌤 at “Learn Real Korean” and tell her Billy sent you! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMx6DvyVefA7Lh0FMBTS-sQ

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