Tips and Tricks for Learning Korean

Top 15 Podcasts for Korean Learners (Free)

Since a few years ago there have been so many new podcasts started for Korean learners, and I looked through hundreds of channels to select a few of my favorites for this video. Did I miss any that are your favorites? Let me know here or in the video’s comments!

2 thoughts on “Top 15 Podcasts for Korean Learners (Free)

  • Babette

    Hello Billy,
    Thank you so much for the Podcast recommendations. I have been watching “Cozy Storytime in Korean ” They do have both beginner and intermediate levels. She speaks really slow even for the intermediate level podcast and has transcripts with vocabulary translation fro some of the words. I will definitely visits some of the sites that you recommended; would you tell me how you feel about that one (too simplistic? or?). Thank you, have a very nice day! Babette

    • Billy

      I’m also subscribed to that channel! But I didn’t add them to this list because they’re no longer active.


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