Korean Culture and Language - Q&A

Jeju Dialect 101 (제주 사투리) | Korean Dialect Special

Do you have any friends from Jeju? Jeju is probably the most interesting place in Korea, due to it being isolated from the rest of the peninsula for most of its history.

So let’s learn some Jeju Dialect – in fact, it’s hard to really call it a “dialect” since over 75% of it doesn’t even exist in standard Korean.

Unfortunately the dialect is slowly going away since the mid-1990s, but some groups are still trying to preserve it, and you can hear a lot of it still if you visit there.

One thought on “Jeju Dialect 101 (제주 사투리) | Korean Dialect Special

  • Michael (LangShack)

    I run a language channel on Youtube and I make language presentation videos on rare and endangered languages (primarily focusing on grammar) and I am researching the Jeju language at the moment. Your video was very insightful and I wanted to understand just how different it was from Standard Korean, and well.. your video hit that on the head perfectly! I almost gave up researching it because I thought it was pretty close but this shows that its different enough to raise my curiosity about its grammar. Thank you!!


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